The Truth About Honey

Did you know, over 74% of honey in the US is imported from unreliable sources?

On top of that, if you bought your honey from the store, it's 100% NOT RAW because the FDA requires all honey sold in stores to be pasteurized (i.e. cooked). Pasteurizing honey eliminates all the natural, superfood goodness that you want from nature's best sweetener.

The best place to get your honey is a from a beekeeper you know.

For most people these days, that can be hard to find, and that's why we started Happy Go Honey.

Welcome to our small-scale, single source, all-American honey business. We bottle honey straight from our hives so you can enjoy the pure, natural, healthy sweetness without a worry.

  • Single Source

    All of our honey is only from our own hives, unlike most honey brands which import or buy honey from other sources. Our bees live in east Texas most of the year, and spend their summers feasting on thousands of acres of bloom in North Dakota. This ensures our bees have plenty of nectar and pollen to make superior honey that does not need to be mixed with honey from hives other than our own.

  • All-American

    Over 74% of honey in the US is imported from unreliable countries, a fact often hidden from consumers. The problem with imported honey is that no one is regulating what's been added to it, where it's been (e.g. imported from another country), or if it's even real honey.

  • Raw & Unfiltered

    The FDA requires all honey sold in stores to be cooked at high temperatures, eliminating the health benefits found in raw honey. Despite this, store brands still add "raw" and "unfiltered" to their label, because there is no authority putting an end to it. People want honey, but the demand is higher than the supply. The result? Fake honey.

  • Delicious Taste

    Our superior honey comes with unparalleled sweet floral flavor. Because we move our bees between Texas and North Dakota, following the natural bloom, the honey they produce is a symphony of flavors. There has not been one person who tasted Happy Go Honey and didn't say it was the best honey they've ever had.

Don't Buy Fake Honey!