24 oz Raw Unfiltered Honey
24 oz Raw Unfiltered Honey
100% pure, raw, unfiltered, single source USA honey.
This delicious honey is unprocessed and packed with natural goodness like antioxidants, amino acids, electrolytes, bee pollen, vitamins, minerals, and bioactive plant compounds. It's also naturally antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, one of the many reasons why honey has been used as a natural remedy for millennia!
Happy Go Honey is proudly one of the only single source honey brands in America, meaning we do not buy or mix honey from other sources. Our bees live in east Texas most of the year, and spend their summers feasting on thousands of acres of bloom in North Dakota. This ensures our bees have plenty of nectar and pollen to make superior honey that does not need to be mixed with honey from hives other than our own.